Salon de Paprika is a boutique production company inspired by "Salon de Paris" and the Japanese animated film "Paprika", dedicated to tell stories that explore the gray-area beyond any rights or wrongs, to create characters that invites empathy beyond any villain/victim dynamics, to connect with the unheard and the unseen, and to support boundary-pushing artists and filmmakers through the formulation of a safe and inclusive space, both virtual and physical.

Salon de Paprika follows the core value of “Nouveau / New”, following the inspiration of the New Wave movements. The company is dedicated to “New Talent”, “New Format” and “New Perspective”, where we: support and collaborate with emerging filmmakers and underrepresented creatives who are not afraid to express themselves in raw but genuine voices; challenge conventions and explore new technologies and formats in storytelling; share stories with unique perspectives and venture into areas where repressed conscious minds escape.


Contact Us

Project Inquiries

Yimeng Yuan (Yuki)


Los Angeles
